Business and Industry Academy

icon of a car with its hood up and a large wrench above it

– Program of Study –

Automotive Technology


The Automotive Technology program of study teaches students the principles of diagnosing and servicing major automotive systems. Students gain hands-on experience in the repair and maintenance of various vehicle systems and have the opportunity to earn several industry certifications.

McNeil High School Automotive Technology Classroom.

Academy Endorsement

Complete the prescribed 4 credit course sequence in one of the following Programs of Study in:


Business and Industry

Available Industry Certifications

Students have the opportunity to earn Industry Based Certifications. These certifications help students stand out in interviews, help students gain confidence in a subject area, and give students valuable experience in preparing for the level of rigor required for industry certification exams they may face in the future.


ASE Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Entry Level


ASE Brakes Entry Level


ASE Manual Drive Train and Axles Entry Level


ASE Engine Performance Entry Level

Students who enroll in Automotive Technology I and Automotive Technology II have the opportunity to earn these certifications.

ASE Engine Repair Entry Level


ASE Heating, Ventilation, AC (HVAC) Entry Level


ASE Suspension and Steering Entry Level


ASE Automatic Transmission Entry Level


ASE Automobile Service Technology Entry Level


ASE Electronic/Electrical Systems Entry Level

Students who enroll in Automotive Technology I, Automotive Technology II, and Practicum in Transportation Systems have the opportunity to earn these certifications.

Courses in this Program of Study

I. Automotive Basics (1 credit)

II. Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair (2 credits)

III. Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service (2 credits)

IV. Practicum in Transportation Systems (2 credits)

NOTE: Additional classes may be available at some campuses. Some courses require prerequisites. Contact your school counselor or review the Course Catalog for more information.

Cluster/Program of Study

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Automotive Technology is offered at the following Round Rock ISD high schools:

Examples of Automotive Technology Careers


Education Level

*Texas Median Annual Earnings

Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendant
High School Diploma – or the equivalent
Automotive Service Technician/Mechanic
High School Diploma – or the equivalent


Transportation Vehicle, Equipment and Systems Inspector
High School Diploma – or the equivalent

*Salary information compiled from the Texas Career Check online database.

Inside the classroom

View of holding pen room. Stalls are to the right and left.
close of of a car with its hood propped open
View of auto shop tool room

Enroll today

If you want to get a jump on the job, CTE offers you a pathway to that head start. Whether you’re interested in architecture or automobiles, health science or computers – there’s a pathway that will allow you to acquire deep career knowledge, gain industry-recognized certifications and test-drive your career.

Follow a CTE pathway and you’ll be READY – ready for a career, ready for a job and ready for the future.

If you're a current Round Rock ISD student, contact your school Counselor to get started.

CTE in the News


Round Rock Independent School District offers career and technical education programs in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Architecture and Construction; Arts, AV, and Communication; Business, Marketing, and Finance; Career Development; Education and Training; Health Science; Hospitality and Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security; Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; and Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. Admission to these programs is based on interest and aptitude, age appropriateness, and class space availability.

It is the policy of Round Rock Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services, or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

It is the policy of Round Rock Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Round Rock Independent School District will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.

For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Cynthia Hill, telephone 512-464-5036, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Dr. Bonita Teasley, telephone 512-464-5140.

Notificación Pública de No Discriminación en los Programas

Educativos de Planeación Profesional Tecnológica El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Round Rock ofrece programas de Planeación Profesional y Educación Tecnológica en las áreas de:Agricultura,Alimentos y Recursos Naturales,Arquitectura y Construcción; Negocios, Mercadeo y Finanzas; Desarrollo de Carreras; Educación y Entrenamiento; Ciencias de la Salud; Hospitalidad y Turismo; Servicios Humanos, Tecnologia de la Información; Leyes, Seguridad Pública; Corrección y Seguridad; Fabricación; Ciencia, Tecnologia, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, Transporte; Distribución y Logística. La admisión a estos programas se basa en interés, aptitud, edad apropiada y espacio disponible en la clase.

Es política del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Round Rock el no discriminar por razones de raza, color, nacionalidad, género o discapacidad en sus programas, servicios, o actividades vocacionales y brinda igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados según los requisitos del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda prevista; Título IX de las Enmiendas de la Educación de 1972; y la Sección 504 de la Ley de la Rehabilitación de 1973, según la enmienda prevista.

Es política del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Round Rock de no discriminar por razones raza, color, nacionalidad, género, discapacidad, o edad en sus prácticas de empleo según los requisitos del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según la enmienda prevista; Título IX de las Enmiendas de la Educación de 1972; y la Sección 504 de la Ley de laRehabilitación de 1973, segun la enmienda prevista.

El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Round Rock tomará medidas para asegurarse de que el no hablar el idioma inglés, no sea una barrera para la admisión y participacion en todos los programas educativos y vocacionales. Para información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos de quejas, póngase en contacto con la coordinadora del Titulo IX, Cynthia Hill, en la dirección 1 Chisholm Trail, Round Rock, TX 78681, teléfono 512-464-5036, y/o con la coordinadora de la Sección 504, Dr. Bonita Teasley, en la dirección 1311 Round Rock, Avenue, Round Rock, TX 78681, teléfono 512-464-5140.